Monday, November 7, 2011

Payette River "Beach"

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This is a prime example of almost doing it right, then trying again. And getting it very wrong
on the second try.

I first decided to shoot the little beach and when I thought I had it, I moved on to doing a "backup" shot of it with the sky. Well, both shots were sub-par. The first is mostly a cropping issue (save the lack of light, but the sun doesn't shine here for more than half the year). The second has a better crop, but in trying to create and HDR shot from 4 exposures I really ruined this one. Not to worry. I'm showing it anyway. This is a blog, after all, not a portfolio.

Project Patch and Payette River

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One day I needed to go to Project Patch. I decided to bring along my camera. The trip was very nice, and I saw some beautiful things. For the time of day I feel like I got some nice images. What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

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